Jordan Today Centre for Development (JTCD)
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  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow
  • An Image Slideshow

titles of some training courses run regularly

There are no translations available.

- Delegation as a Tool for Effective Management

- Executive Secretary & Office Management.

- Ten Commandments for Staff Motivation.

- Personnel Management.

- Cost Accounting.

- Transport & Shipment Management.

- Financial Analysis for Investment and Decision-Making Purpose.

- Development of New Leaders’ Skill.

- Negotiation Skills.

- The Applications of the Social Security Law.

- Team Building Skills.

- Business Writing in English.

- English in the Business Environment.

- Crisis Management.

- Time Management.

- Meeting & Conference Management.

- Customer Care Techniques.

- Prequalification of New Managers.

- Brain Storming Techniques.

- Cash Flow Management.

- Training of Trainers.

- Marketing Strategies under Competition.

- Documentary Credit & Incoterms 2010.

- Communication Skills.

- Public Relation & Image Building.

- Tender Management.

- Change Management.

- Procurement Management.

- Supply Chain Management.

- Applications of the Income Law & Sales Law Taxes.

- Electronic Archiving & Filing Techniques.

- Strategic Planning.

- Financial Planning & Budgeting Techniques.

- Combating Money Laundering.

- Investigating & Detecting Fraud & Counterfeiting.

- Credit Risk Management.

- Operational Risk Management.

- Feasibility Studies.

- Management & Recovery of Bad Debts.

- Electronic Transactions – Challenges & Safety Measures.

- Management of SMEs ( Small & Medium Enterprises ).

- Islamic Banking Products & Challenges.

- Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs ).

- Financial leasing.

- The Role of Management Accounting in Decision-making.


Please note the following :

- There are many other courses that JTCD can run related to sub-specialization topics in Finance and Management.

- Most of the above- mentioned courses can be customized to meet special needs of customers in various fields ( tailored training )

- The following courses can be held in corporation with the University of Jordan (UJ). This qualifies the trainee to obtain a training certificate from UJ which can be authenticated by the Ministry of Higher Education. These courses are :

1. Management & Analysis of Credit Risks.

2. Financial Planning & Budgeting.

3. Business Writing.

4. Storekeeping & Stock Control.

5. Incoterms 2010 and Their Application in Foreign Trade.

6. Conducting Feasibility Studies.

7. Supply Chain Management (SCM).

8. Effective Negotiation Skills.

9. Management & Recovery of Bad Debts.


- JTCD organizes at least two or three Conferences every year on various topics appealing to Arab markets and business challenges.

- JTCD can conduct any training course requested by the customer and not mentioned in the aforementioned list.






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حقوق النشر © JTCD مركز الأردن اليوم للتنمية - 2010